As of today (8/25/2020), this is my newest completed song, “Suddenly Hope“.  It’s inspired by a Jenny Bienemann haiku, and was part of her 7/16 Haiku Milieu show online.  The video is by Rebecca Jasso, who also created all the illustrations herein.  I’m most pleased, both with the results, and to have had the help, and inspiration, from such talented friends!

Jenny has been haiku-ing, and inspiring collaboration, for well over a year.  She invited Rebecca and me to be guest bloggers to talk about our collaborative:

And, you can go directly to our video:  It’s a hopeful song, about remembering the good in the world that always exists, and I just love how Rebecca’s art completely illustrates what I was trying to say.  I hope you enjoy!

New video, "Suddenly Hope"